HADAS is the student dramatic arts society at Berman, producing several school plays each school year. Plays performed in recent years include Les Miserable, Our Town, Peter Pan, Fools, Get Smart, Pink Panther, Matchmaker, Oz, The Desk, Inherite the Wind, And Then There Were None, Curious Savage, A Midsummers Nights Texas Size Nightmare, A Night of Funky Fairytales, Dorthy in Wonderland, Robin Hod, The Talking Coins and Miss Nelson is Missing.

School plays help build communication skills and camaraderie in our students and encourage creative thinking and writing, photography, visual art and design and knowledge of history, science and literature.

Our theater department instills values of excellence, risk taking, problem solving, community building and validating the work of others, while boosting student confidence and pride, whether it be through work as an actor, member of the stage crew, costumer, or techie. Each member of our cast and crew brings his or her talent, passion and expertise to each HADAS collaboration.

Claudia Rosales Waters
Director of Performing Arts