Berman B’Aretz – December 2024

Berman leaders and community members are traveling to Israel to gather and connect with our Berman family living in Israel.

See below for opportunities to join us and get involved.


In addition to visiting yeshivot, seminaries, and families living in Israel, we will be offering the below events. As we put the finishing touches on our itinerary, more events will be added.

Monday, December 9

  • 10:00 am: Tour of Magen David Adom Underground Blood Bank for Alumni and Alumni Families (Ramla – space is limited)
    Attendees will tour the world’s first underground, anti-missile blood bank in Ramla, highlighting its advanced facilities for collecting and storing blood and its strategic design for security and continuity during emergencies, including chemical and missile threats.
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  • 3:00 pm: Former Berman Educators Day of Learning with Rabbi Dr. Hillel Broder, Rabbi Shimon Altshul and Rabbi Breitowitz in Jerusalem (Torah Mitzion Center)
    Former Berman educators are invited to join us for an afternoon of learning.
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  • 7:00 pm: Dinner for Shana Alef/Bet alumni in Jerusalem
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Tuesday December 10, 2024

  • 12:00 pm: Grandparents Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Dr. Hillel Broder for Berman grandparents  (Torah Mitzion Center)
    Grandparents of current and former Berman students are invited to join us for a lunch and learn with our Head of School, Rabbi Dr. Hillel Broder
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  • 5:00 pm: Former Shlichim and Israeli Families Reunion (Shaharit School, Eliezer Hagadol 4, Gonenim neighborhood, Jerusalem)
    Former Rashei Kollel, Bnot Sherut, Bachurim, and Israeli families who spent time at Berman are invited to join us for a pizza and ice cream dinner
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Wednesday, December 11

  • 4:00 pm: Berman Alumni Reunion in Carmei Gat (בית כנסת כרמי ציון, 74  שדרות אבני החושן)
    Alumni and their families are invited to join us for a reunion with pizza and entertainment!
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Thursday, December 12

  • 10:30 am: Knesset Tour accompanied by Dov Lipman (space limited)
    Attendees will experience an exclusive tour of the Knesset, accompanied by former Member of Knesset Dov Lipman.
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  • 5:00 pm: Young Professionals Networking Event (Tel Aviv)
    Attendees will have the opportunity to meet and connect with individuals who work in industries such as Israel Aerospace Industries, Ernst & Young, non-profit organizations, and more!
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  • 7:00 pm: Young Professional Dinner (Tel Aviv)
    Following the event, attendees 30 and under, are invited to dinner in Tel Aviv
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Friday, December 13

  • 10:00 am: Shana Alef/Bet Alumni Brunch (Gan Tzippur)
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  • 1:00 – 2:00 pm: Hapoel Jerusalem Basketball Practice
    A very special opportunity! Join us to watch the last 30 minutes of the basketball practice and meet a few players. Space is very limited. 
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Saturday, December 14

  • 6:30 pm: Melava Malka for Shana Alef/Bet students at the home of Denny and Debra Berman (Old City)
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*Plans subject to change based on current security briefings and updates
Thank you to the Volosov Family for sponsoring this trip and providing the opportunity to connect with our Bermunity in Israel.