Just as the grateful farmer of this week’s parsha, with his first fruits in hand, expresses his gratitude to God and his place in the historic narrative of the Jewish people, we, too, after our first week of school, have much to be grateful for. הכל הולך אחר הראש, and we are celebrating our beginning and…
Dear Mishpachat Berman, Elul is an important time of introspection, reflection, and preparation, and this year anticipates a special opportunity to reflect–it is our 80th year, which in gematria, is a number that is represented by the letter פ. Peh translates as “mouth,” and its form reflects the same function, appearing like an opening mouth. I would suggest,…
Dear Berman Community, One of the Berman core values that deeply informs our religious programming and Judaic Studies curriculum is Religious Zionism. We offer an atmosphere of love and commitment to Eretz Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael, the state and land of Israel, and one of the ways we do this is by introducing the kedushat ha’aretz, the holiness of…
Dear Berman Community, This past Monday, July 24, I drove directly from New York to Berman. After two weeks attending Prizmah’s Day School Leadership Training Institute (DSLTI), a two-year, cohort and mentor-based leadership training for new heads of Jewish day schools, Monday was going to be my first official day in the office. DSLTI had…
This Spring, 7th grade students will embark on a one-week learning adventure, focusing on a specific area of interest. During this time, students will learn through real-world experiences, guest speakers, hands-on learning, and travel opportunities. We can’t wait to share more about their learning in the coming weeks! We invite you to read more about…
Dear Berman Community, I am thrilled to announce that the Berman Hebrew Academy Board of Directors has appointed Rabbi Dr. Hillel Broder as our incoming Head of School, effective July 1, 2023. Through an extensive search process, Rabbi Dr. Broder distinguished himself as a dynamic leader who is well-suited to take the helm of one…
Sunday Reflections Something I really enjoyed was a visit to the kibbutz Misgav Am on the border of Lebanon and Syria, where over 300 Israelis live. An Oleh spoke to us about why it is integral for there to be an Israeli presence at the border. I saw the location of terrorist tunnels and houses…