Introducing the New Kollel Bachurim

September 26, 2024

Every year, a new set of Torah Mitzion Kollel Bachurim from Israel comes to Berman to learn with students, help with programming, and so much more. This year I was thrilled to meet the new Kollel Bachurim Shaked Ben Dor and Matanya Aberman! Shaked is originally from Karnei Shomron, and Matanya is from Efrat which is near Jerusalem. Shaked is very excited to meet the students and experience Berman. He is particularly excited to get to know Mr. Bill (one of the head security guards at Berman, and always at the front desk to greet everyone and say “Hi”) as well as learn about American culture and its relationship to Israel. In addition to Shaked, I was curious about Matanya’s feelings as he begins this new chapter. When asked about this, Matanya said, “I am excited to meet the students, to learn together, and to get to know everyone.” While in Israel, Matanya frequently played violin and also enjoyed going out on runs. Shaked’s diverse hobbies range from playing the guitar, singing, and he also takes pleasure in ’התבודדות’ (After I asked about this definition, I was told it was something similar to separating oneself from everyone around them, and having some alone time). While he is excited about the new experiences awaiting him, Matanya spoke about how he will miss his family and friends back in Israel, and how he enjoyed Israeli culture, saying, “You can do whatever you want.” Despite the fact that school only started a few weeks ago, programming has begun with Kollel night taking place every Wednesday night, Cholent during Friday lunch, and even a kumzitz during the second week of school. 

Shaked playing guitar for the Friday tisch