Just as the grateful farmer of this week’s parsha, with his first fruits in hand, expresses his gratitude to God and his place in the historic narrative of the Jewish people, we, too, after our first week of school, have much to be grateful for. הכל הולך אחר הראש, and we are celebrating our beginning and sanctifying it, with the tefila that our days ahead follow the joy, learning, and connection our Berman family felt this past week.
As our incredible first week comes to a close, please take a moment to enjoy some of our meaningful moments, glimpses into our special school community, from early childhood through early adulthood. Along with a brief message, we plan on sending a dispatch of such meaningful moments at the end of every week this year.
I spent all summer eagerly anticipating the arrival of our students, so in week one, my interest was focused on learning more about how we build our community, how we bring tefila into our classrooms, and how our academic engagement looks in our classrooms.
I’d love to hear your meaningful moments of the week. Feel free to email me to share.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Dr. Hillel Broder
Head of School