Dear Berman Community,
One of the Berman core values that deeply informs our religious programming and Judaic Studies curriculum is Religious Zionism. We offer an atmosphere of love and commitment to Eretz Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael, the state and land of Israel, and one of the ways we do this is by introducing the kedushat ha’aretz, the holiness of the land, through the pedagogical and programmatic emissaries of Torah MiTzion: Our Kollel, Bachurim, and Bnot Sherut.
Torah MiTzion Kollel
The Torah MiTzion Kollel has been a beacon of high level Torah learning in our Upper School. The Kollel and Midrasha classes have been designed to prepare our students for mastery in Gemara in a Hebrew immersive classroom. Furthermore, this program is designed to create an avira of Eretz Israel at Berman. Beyond the Kollel and Midrasha classes, the Torah MiTzion Kollel is heavily involved in our weekly “Kollel night”, Shabbatonim, Onegs, Israel programming (including Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut), and more.
We are excited to announce the hiring of Rabbi Yonah Budow as our new Rosh Kollel and Midrasha.
Rabbi Budow was born in Michigan and made Aliyah with his family when he was in elementary school. He received a degree in Education of Tanakh and History in 2019 from Herzog College, followed by receiving semicha from Yeshivat HaKotel in 2021. Rabbi Budow, his wife Michal, and their 4 children will be joining the Berman community later this summer. Mrs. Budow will be working in our Upper School as a Judaic Studies teacher. The Budow family will be living in Potomac this year and will also travel to all of the Berman communities for Shabbatot and Yom Tovim.
In addition to Rabbi Budow and his family joining our Berman community, we are also looking forward to welcoming our bachurim, Aviv Braha, Leor Kersner, and Amichai Rosenfeld. The bachurim are integral to the avira of Torah learning and Eretz Yisrael in the Upper School specifically, as well as the overall Berman experience. They learn with the students in the Kollel and Midrasha, run chaburot during electives, serve as chavrutot to students looking to spend more time learning in the Beit Midrash, and help design Israel-themed programming during the year. The bachurim will be living in Kemp Mill and will be traveling to all the Berman communities for Shabbatot and Yom Tovim.
B’not Sherut
We are thrilled to announce our b’not sherut for the 2023-2024 school year, Mevaseret Yefet, Yael Bitter, Leah Katzman, and Shira Avitan. The b’not will work closely with our Lower and Middle School divisions, developing educational and exciting programs to enhance our students’ connection and love with Israel. The b’not will be living in Potomac this year and will also travel to all of the Berman communities for Shabbatot and Yom Tovim.
The bachurim and b’not also run youth programming at local shuls and through B’nei Akiva. Get to know our 2023-2024 Kollel Bachurim and B’not Sherut below.
Click here to sign up and host the Budows, bachurim or b’not sherut for a meal. In addition to Shabbat and Yom Tov hospitality, we are also looking for 3 families who would be interested in hosting the bachurim for dinner once a week and serving as their “home away from home.” Please email Jennifer Zukerman if you are interested.
Please join me in welcoming the Budow family, our bachurim, and b’not sherut to our Berman community.
Rabbi Dr. Hillel Broder
Head of School